Liberty Memphis Board of Directors
Board Chairman
Dr. Maria Williams is a passionate educator from Whitehaven, Memphis, TN, with a keen interest in supporting her community. In 2020, amidst a global pandemic, she earned her EdD degree, demonstrating her self-motivated and driven nature. She is a mother of two sons, Micheal and Mason, and has firsthand experience as both a professor and a parent in the education system, making her a lifelong learner herself.
Vice Chairman
Mr. Stockton has had many diverse experiences in education that span a range from K-12. He spent several years in secondary education, first assisting, then leading campus-wide efforts to develop exemplar schools and improve outcomes for a network of 7 public charter schools in, the Midwest.
A native Memphian with a background deeply rooted in Christian morals, LaJoyce Harris, has a heart for others and driven by her zeal to push others to success. Her educational foundation has fully equipped her with the vital tools needed to build her local community and empower every man, woman and child along her path with what she has branded as the “New IQ”.
Marketing Specialist
Jeremy works for C Spire Business as a Enterprise Cloud Sales Manager, based in Memphis, Tenn. Jeremy works with various IT firms to ensure that IT projects are implemented and completed via staffing and He has a successful 15+ year track record of selling products and services through direct and indirect channels.
Board Member
He was formally educated in the Danville Public School system under an advanced degree curriculum. He was raised by his mother and grandmother to work hard, have compassion, and do good. These ethics would follow him throughout his life and inspire him to achieve and accomplish great things.